Saturday, June 13, 2009

Acai Berry Secret Weight Loss Formula

The small round shaped Acai berry has several health benefits. Apart from being an excellent antioxidant, it is a secret weight loss formula for the obese people. Containing higher quantity of fibers (each 100 gm of acai berry have 44.2 gm of fiber), the fruit tends to make you feel fuller for longer periods, reducing those hunger pangs. So obviously, the person on diet tends to eat lesser, resulting in tremendous weight loss. However, the acai berry diet unlike any other diet does not make you feel fatigued even when you are dieting. Instead, the natural fats present in the berry gives you the energy boost instantly and proteins help in building muscles. While the antioxidants burns those extra calories that were accumulating in your body as flab.

When any other weight loss formula is used, it may have many side effects on you, one of them is feeling drained out. But acai berry, which is a gift of nature, has benefits of complete food, as it has the combination of carbohydrates, protein and good fats such as palmitic acid, lenoleic acid as well as oleic acid. This unique combination, which is even harder to find in any other fruit, makes acai berry a complete source of nutrition.

Used as a secret weight loss formula, acai berry is widely available in market and in different forms such as powder, pills, and readymade eatables and so on. In fact, various companies are offering these magic berries in combination with other useful antioxidants such as green tea promising amazing weight loss results for the obese people.

However, those who need not worry about their weight may also include acai berry as the part of daily diet and get rid of various ailments including cholesterol, immunity, heart problems, insomnia, constipation, diabetes, and lack of sexual desire.


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